"Start investing with 300 000": judge that the time just to keep the money on the card has passed

the Key rate of the Central banks of the world are declining, and this leads to a gradual decline in rates on loans and deposits. How to protect your money and earn in the current situation, said Nikolai Sokolov, Director of the Novosibirsk branch of “BCS Premier”, one of the most experienced financiers in the region.

— please Tell us what is happening in the financial sector?

— what led coronaries, can be summarized to a single sentence: be careful of your desires. Sooner loan and mortgage rate in Europe caused outrage: when will we see the same? Several years passed, and now such a time has come: the rates are going down.

this movement on interest rates have a downside: in parallel to falling interest rates on deposits — a popular way of earning money. Now, putting money in the Bank on Deposit, you can get an average of 4.83% per annum, and the dollar less at the level of 0.68%.* It is not as profitable as before, and people began to look for alternatives, consider other tools to know where to invest money.

— What are the forecasts: what will people do with savings?

— from experience I can say that most people now choose a party to financial instruments with one purpose: to save your money and get a higher return than on Deposit. But I’m sure that will remain and those who will continue to work with Bank accounts and deposits, even if the rates are close to zero. It is no secret that in some countries banks accept funds on Deposit at negative rates! Just imagine that the customer pays their money for the sake of the capital was in the Bank. In Russia, of course, in the next couple of years we didn’t do that. But investors, I think, will remain to many.

well-Known alternative ways of investing their savings. Investments help not only to save money, but also gremote to manage your capital.

— How much money is needed to start investing?

— of Course, all individually, but the recommended amount in the “BCS Premier” — 300 000 rubles. It will form a simple investment portfolio with defined goals, for example, the funds for the reserve Fund or the starting base for future savings. To receive a regular income or a serious financial goals should consider the amounts from one to three million rubles. The maximum amount is unlimited.

There is a tool like an individual investment account (IIA). It will provide an investment tax deduction.

it is Worth considering that in IIS, you can contribute any amount but not more than 1 million rubles per year, the maximum amount of the tax deduction of type A is 52 000, it is enough to fill up IIS to 400 thousand rubles.*

— How does the individual investment account?

— Individual investment account (IIA) is one of the tools of the program, which has been launched by the government of the Russian Federation in 2015 for the development of financial markets.** And it should be noted that this is a worldwide practice, and, furthermore, suggests that our market becomes more Mature, and private investors — more aware. Over the past four years such accounts in Russia there are over two million. The main advantage of this tool is its simplicity. After opening the account, the client chooses the type of benefits from the state that he wants to.

There are two options: either annually to 13% of the deposited amount via the income tax return (within 400 thousand rubles per year) or on the income received in that account the customer is exempt from paying tax.

in Addition to benefits from the state, the client chooses a financial product with suitable criteria of profitability and sound. Let me remind you, this is a state pt is the applied in most systemically important financial institutions. Agree, a good alternative to deposits.