History 13/01/20 What good Stalin did for Germany before the war
it is Often argued that the non-aggression Pact with Germany in 1939, helped the Soviet Union to be better prepared to repel Nazi aggression in 1941. However, there is no doubt that the Third Reich has benefited from the Pact, otherwise he would not began to conclude it. And another question, who is the greatest benefit used the 22 month delay between August 1939 and June 1941, the Soviet Union or Germany.
Output for Germany out of the impasse
Germany was a country that depended on the supply of strategic raw materials and food. In the First world war, the naval blockade, declared by England, led Germany to famine, economic collapse and, ultimately, to defeat. Especially needed Germany in the supply of oil and nonferrous metals. Partially it could cover the deficit due to land imports from countries of South-Eastern Europe and Turkey. However, Britain and France might have had on these countries and pressure to get them to stop the supply of raw materials.
Therefore, the conclusion in August-September 1939 non-aggression agreements and the establishment of close partnership relations with the Soviet Union became the Third Reich saving way out of the strategic dead-end, promising a quick defeat in the Second world war. While Germany had friendly relations with the Soviet Union, no economic blockade and isolation was not afraid of her.
the Soviet Union not only supplied the Germans with their raw materials and products of agriculture and forestry – oil, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, non-metallic minerals, grain, timber, etc. – but also bought for Germany colonial goods, for example, jute and natural rubber.
the Scope of cooperation
Germany was one of the most important trade partners of the USSR from 1922 to 1933, but after coming to power of Hitler, relations between the two countries froze. The warming in Soviet-German relations was observed in the spring 1939. August 21, 1939, two days before the conclusion of the nonaggression Pact in Moscow was signed the Soviet-German agreement on the mutual loans and procurement. In the future, was signed two Economic agreements (1940 and 1941), the agreement on rail transport and a number of other documents on economic cooperation.
In August 1940, opening in Koenigsberg the German Eastern fair, Gauleiter of East Prussia Robert Koch pointed to the “almost unlimited possibilities” for the German economy opened up by the Economic agreement. During the repast, the regional Nazi leader, Soviet Ambassador Alexei Shkvartsev modestly noted that the cooperation between the USSR and Germany is not based on a temporary market, and on the long-term interests of the two countries.
As stated in the book Alexander Nekrich “1941 June 22” for 17 months before the beginning of the great Patriotic war, the Third Reich has received from the Soviet Union 1 million 463 thousand tonnes of grains, 101 thousand tons of cotton, more than 1 million tons of wood, 11 thousand tons of flax, 865 thousand tons, 140 thousand tons of manganese ore 26 thousand tons of chrome ore, 14 thousand tons of copper, 3 tons of Nickel, 2736 kilograms of platinum, 184 thousand tons of phosphate, 15 thousand tons of asbestos.
the trade Turnover between the USSR and Germany in 1940 amounted to 1.4 billion, which amounted to 660 million rubles in gold. This suggests that Germany in that period was the main foreign trade partner of the Soviet Union, whose share accounted for more than 57% of the total foreign trade turnover of the Soviet Union. This exchange was not equivalent, as the value of Soviet exports to Germany about one and a half times the value of Soviet imports from Germany.
the importance of the Soviet deliveries
Clearly, September 1939 – June 1941, the Third Reich has received from the Soviet Union, large stocks of raw materials she needed for the successful conduct of the war.
the Economic benefit received by the Union was not equivalent. One can hardly deny that the supply industrial equipment from Germany helped in the development of military industry of the USSR before the great Patriotic war. Soviet engineers were also introduced to some of the examples of German weapons, although they later denied that this knowledge helped them in the development and production of Soviet tanks and planes.
That is, Germany also helped the arms of the USSR before the war with him. But to assess the specific benefits of such assistance is difficult.
Soviet supplies undoubtedly made it easier for the Wehrmacht to his victories in Western Europe in 1940 and early 1941, although we cannot say for certain that they played a decisive role. They, of course, helped the Wehrmacht to better prepare for the invasion of the Soviet Union.
it is Hardly an exaggeration to say that the entire summer-autumn campaign of 1941 against the Soviet Union, the Wehrmacht fought mainly on the reserves created by the pre-war supplies from the Soviet Union. When they came to an end in the spring of 1942, Hitler decided to replenish them by sending its troops to the Caucasus.
In connection with such uninterrupted supply of raw materials from the Soviet Union, the German attack on the Soviet Union, undertaken in the summer of 1941 on Hitler’s orders seems illogical. But apparently, the führer has decided that the time has come when, without fear of consequences, can take everything and not depend on the will of the Soviet partner.
Yaroslav Butakov
© Russian Seven
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