TMNT began to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract using the new method

Today, diseases of the digestive tract are in third place on prevalence in Russia. The main cause of most diseases is a violation of the intestinal microbiota.

Colitis, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is only a small part of the diseases that plagued people for a long time.

In the Center of new medical technologies has developed a unique program “Restoration of the intestinal microbiota”. The author, gastroenterologist Eugene V. Schreiner, head of the clinic of gastroenterology, candidate of medical Sciences. It is a modern technique of accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Programme includes:

the curation of gastroenterologist for a period of observation in the centre;
16S ribatejana — a survey of the intestinal microflora and the genitourinary system modern method of research;
the course “Enema recovery of the intestinal microbiota” — procedures with the use of local antimicrobial irrigation of vegetable origin, with antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect;
the General analysis of blood;

After the course you will be given recommendations for additional testing and treatment given the condition of the body.

a program of “Restoration of the intestinal microbiota” is an alternative method of ecotranslator.

If you or your loved one have symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, sign up on reception to the gastroenterologist.

TSNMT take care of your health!

In clinics TSNMT will be glad to answer all your questions and provide you with expert assistance: a single point of contact: 8 (383) 363-01-83.

TSNMT, multidisciplinary network of specialized clinics:

multidisciplinary clinics:
Pirogova str., 25/4
Titova St., 7
pR. Academician Lavrentyev 11

Clinic of family health
Akademic Koptyug, 13
mkrn Gorsky, 51

Clinic restore health:
Pravda street, 8

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