"The possibility of coincidence is 1 in 10 thousand": Siberian, flew to Peter to become a bone marrow donor

statistics, blood cancer is found in about 25 people from 100 thousand. In severe cases the only solution for the patient is a bone marrow transplant. To find a prospective donor is difficult, and among the relatives are often not the right person. Then the doctors turn to the registers of bone marrow donors. We talked to the resident of Novosibirsk, Alexander, who became the actual donor a few months ago she flew to St. Petersburg for transplantation.

As learned on the register?

Sasha said that always wanted to be a donor, but she could not due to low pressure. Year ago to work for them came representatives of the “Rusfond”, which told about the donor register. After that the girl studied the subject and realized that is suitable for donation: