23.08.2022, Bayern, Weiden: Beamte der Spurensicherung arbeiten in der Innenstadt von Weiden/Oberpfalz. Eine Frau hatte im Stadtzentrum mehrere Menschen verletzt. Polizisten hätten die Frau festgenommen, teilten die Ermittler mit. (zu dpa «Frau verletzt mehrere Menschen in der Oberpfalz - Festnahme») Foto: vifogra / Haubner/vifogra/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

It’s lunchtime, sunshine, a busy square in downtown Weiden in der Oberpfalz in Bavaria – according to initial police findings, a woman attacks several people here. Three victims were injured in the incident on Tuesday, two men (46 and 61 years) have to be treated in a hospital. Officials secure the murder weapon, a sword-like object.

As a police spokesman said, several passers-by overpowered and arrested the 65-year-old woman from the Neustadt an der Waldnaab district. Officials were able to arrest the woman shortly after the attack.

More detailed background to the attack, the alleged perpetrator and murder weapon and the victims were not yet available. The latter would not have been in mortal danger.

In the evening, the police wanted to release more information. Detectives and public prosecutors are investigating in Weiden.

The mayor of the city, Jens Meyer (SPD), visited the crime scene and said: “I am shocked and deeply affected. My thoughts are with the injured. I wish them a speedy and speedy recovery. Many thanks to all emergency services for intervening quickly and arresting the perpetrator.”