Chancellor Olaf Scholz has prepared the Germans for longer-lasting sanctions against Russia and for deprivation. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin must be stopped with his “neo-colonial” course in any case, Scholz wrote in a guest article for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. With a view to the consequences for Germany, he adds: “This path is not easy, not even for a strong, prosperous country like ours. We will need staying power.”
Many citizens are already suffering from the effects of the war, above all from the high prices for petrol and food. That is why the government has decided on two relief packages with a volume of 30 billion euros.
“But the truth is that the world economy is facing a challenge that has not been seen for decades,” emphasizes the SPD politician. Supply chains are broken, raw materials are scarce and there is war-related uncertainty in the energy markets. All of this drives up prices worldwide. “No country in the world can stand alone against such a development,” emphasizes Scholz. “We have to stick together and join hands,” he writes, referring to the government’s so-called concerted action with trade unions, employers and scientists.
“It was clear to us from the start that we might have to maintain our sanctions for a long time.” Putin must be clear that not a single sanction will be lifted in the event of a Russian dictated peace, emphasizes Scholz on the six sanctions packages so far. This not only shows solidarity with the “existence threatened Ukraine”, but also provides for one’s own protection. “If we don’t counter Putin’s aggression now, then he could continue,” warned the Chancellor, pointing out that NATO no longer rules out the possibility of a Russian attack on NATO territory. “Letting Putin get away with it would mean that violence can break the law with practically no consequences. Then ultimately our own freedom and security would also be in jeopardy.”