ARCHIV - 30.05.2022, Spanien, Madrid: Eine Krankenschwester bereitet in einem Krankenhaus einen PCR-Tests zur Erkennung des Affenpockenvirus vor. (zu dpa «NRW bereitet Impfungen gegen Affenpocken ab nächster Woche vor») Foto: Carlos Luján/EUROPA PRESS/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Vaccination against the monkeypox virus is scheduled to start in Berlin next week. This was announced by the Senate Department for Health and Care on Friday. The Senate Administration and the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Berlin have concluded a cooperation agreement for this purpose.

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Since there is still little vaccine available, the vaccination offer should initially be aimed at people with an increased risk of infection or the risk of a serious course of the disease. That is why vaccinations are primarily given in HIV-focused practices, according to the statement from the health administration.

22 practices will take part in the vaccination campaign, and vaccinations will also be offered at the Checkpoint BLN counseling center for sexual health. Vaccinations are also carried out in the special outpatient clinics of the Charité and the clinics for infectiology of the St. Joseph Hospital Tempelhof and the Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum Schöneberg.

The central health department is also involved. At the beginning of next week, the list of all vaccination centers is to be published by the German Association of Outpatient Physicians for Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine (dagnä e.V.). The vaccination is free of charge for the persons to be vaccinated. Vaccination is particularly recommended for men who have sex with men and often change partners, since these have so far mainly been affected by monkeypox infections.