08.07.2022, Berlin: Die junge Giraffe Frieda steht mit ihrer Mutter Amalka zur Giraffentaufe im Tierpark Berlin. Aus mehreren hundert Vorschlägen hat eine Jury den neuen Namen "Frieda" für das jüngste Familienmitglied der Giraffenherde gefunden. Foto: Elisabeth Edich/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

In the Berlin zoo there is now a small spotty “Frieda” – that’s the name of the few weeks old giraffe cub. A jury chose the name for the youngest family member of the herd from several hundred suggestions.

The zoo explained that the word is derived from the Old High German “fridu” – which means “peace”, “protection” and “security”. “So the name expresses what we all want in these troubled times: peaceful coexistence,” said zoo and animal park director Andreas Knieriem on Friday.

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