History 25/01/20 frame of filersstill poles in Copper: who was executed NKVD really
the Decree about creation in the Tver region of the Russian-Polish memorial complex “Copper” was signed on 19 October 1996, and four years later — September 2, 2000, the monument to the Polish victims of Stalinist repression first came, their descendants, and lit candles. According to official data, received from the former head of the NKVD in Kalinin region Dmitry Tokarev, in this place in April-may 1940 it was buried more than 6300 shot Polish prisoners of war since 1939 in nearby Ostashkov special camp. Trapped in the USSR after the partition of Poland the prisoners, according to the basic version, were killed with pistols “Walter” and buried in a mass grave, where in 1937, lay the remains of repressed Soviet citizens.
Historical inconsistencies
the Historian Gennady Asinkritos believes that involved in the investigation of this historical crime investigators under pressure ziskelevich in the late 1980s to the West of the Soviet authorities deliberately distort the real number of victims. Who came from Poland search engines, conducting excavations and making more than 200 soundings, exhumed the remains of only 246 poles, of which only 12 skulls found characteristic of the execution of a gunshot injury on his head. The remaining holes are located in the frontal region, and this suggests that the man’s death was caused by wounds received in battle, when the soldiers had “caught” the bullet of the enemy, incautiously looking out of the trench.
Not credible and the fact that the personal belongings of the poles strangely revealed in separate holes, not graves, not in 1991, when the first exhumation work, but only in 1995. In addition, the writer Yuri Mukhin notes that the evidence found by the Polish investigators, bmore reminiscent of a treasure, which miraculously was buried executioners, not guess to pick up those values yourself. In his book the priest Zdzislaw peshkovsky lists those items which were allegedly recovered from under the strata of the earth and belonged to executed prisoners of war: gold lockets, religious signs, buttons with eagles, sunglasses, wallets, belts, awards, soap dishes, combs, coins, razors, toothbrushes, cigarette holders, mirrors, chess pieces, keys, spools of thread, pens, candles, camera lens “Leica” and even ten-ruble gold coin 1899. In decayed over 50 years clothes “archeologists” involved in excavation by excavators, in a strange way was discovered perfectly preserved newspaper “Pravda” in April 1940, which was to convince the public that this mass grave appeared at the appointed time. Yuri Mukhin says that this falsification of history was made possible because of the agony, which was the USSR in the perestroika period.
what remains?
Director of the publishing house “Scientific book” Olga Kislyakova says that in the mass graves of the village of Copper are buried over 3,000 “enemies of the people”, who were Soviet citizens subjected to repression because of their imaginary threat to the successful formation of a new political system. The second largest category consists of soldiers who died from 1941 to 1943. According to the conclusion of UFSK and the Prosecutor’s office of Tver region, in this period in the vicinity of the village Copper was located “evacuation hospital No. 1427, 1783, field mobile hospital No. 501, as well as medical and sanitary battalions No. 258, 265, 522”. In addition, according to N. Dihno — Commissioner 1319 th infantry regiment, among those buried in the brethren cemetery were wounded and medical personnel captured and the Germans exterminated the local hospital. The third group are poles, but not 6000 prisoners from the Ostashkov camp, while 300 policemen-collaborators who were arrested by the Soviet military in cooperation with NazisTami in 1944-1945.
Dressed in a form garnet color these poles from the so-called “blue police” was sentenced by a Soviet court to death and executed in Sosnovy Bor village of Copper. That in this mass grave are the remains of the accomplices of fascism, evident in the soil changed its color under the influence of faded uniforms, painted poorly with a dye.
Where are the poles
today free there is only one document which gives at least some information concerning Polish prisoners of war of the policemen and employees of the gendarmerie held in Ostashkov camp. In the dated 9 July 1941, report on performance 155 th regiment of the NKVD troops for the protection of the white sea-Baltic canal No. 00484 is written: “the area of the 1st and 2nd company in the month of January with a/g arrived a couple of stages W/in the camp near the 2nd gateway, one of the stages was C/o to the Western regions of the Byelorussian and Ukrainian SSR exclusively ex-police and one in Belozerskoe office North 7th gateway 5 km”.
the Historian Sergei Strygin believed that the Polish prisoners of the Kalinin region was distributed along the Northern camps. First they were moved to the Kola labor camp where sent to Murmansk oblast at Matkozhnenskaya construction, engaged in construction field airport “Ponoy”.
However, in early 1941 in camp point “Sosnowiec” poles rebelled in the hope to cross the Finnish border, but the uprising was suppressed. Recognized “anti-Soviet-minded individuals” the poles were divided into small groups and transported to the North-Pechora, polar and Ugra correctional labor camps of the NKVD of the USSR, and one of them kalininets Alexander Bogatikov was serving a prison camp already in the far East. Historian Maria Kolovangina, studying the fate of Naryan-Mar during the Second world war, found that in the vicinity of the city there is a large cemetery poles, killed during the work on “the Construction of the NKVD No. 300”. Sergei Strygin, conducting its own investigation, found that 245 of the poles, whose names are inscribed on the memorial “Copper”, was not executed in 1940, and sank near the island of Matveev 17 August 1942, when the Nazi U209 submarine launched a torpedo at the non-propelled barge with the prisoners of war. Two Polish victims of Stalinist repression turned out to be false, after in 2012 in a mass grave “Shafts” near Vladimir-Volyn the Polish-Ukrainian party of searchers was discovered tokens that belonged to a policeman józef Kuligowska and Ludvik Malapascua, whose names also appear on the name plates in Copper. Thus, until will not be declassified documents relating to this mysterious pages of the Second world war, the history of the memorial “Copper” will be replete with fraud, scandals and market speculation.
Ashkhen Avanesova
© Russian Seven
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