History 11/01/20 Rebellion in Kabul: how the murder of a Russian officer in 1980 “blew up” the Afghanistan
the War in Afghanistan could end in February 1980 – if flooded the Kabul crowds of rebels managed to overthrow the Pro-Soviet government. According to one version, performances of Afghans began after the events related to the murder of the Russian military – Lieutenant Alexander Vovk.
the Kabul insurrection
At the beginning of 1980 the citizens of Kabul have not “recovered” after the storming of the Palace “Taj Beck,” the assassination of Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin and the Soviet invasion. However, the presence in the capital “godless” foreigners caused growing public frustration. The first anti-Soviet demonstrations began on the evening of 21 February 1980, but were suppressed.
“on the morning of February 22, 1980 the same thing happened again, but unlike the previous day in Kabul flocked crowds of people from nearby settlements – recalled Colonel-General Viktor Meriski. – The number of demonstrators has reached 400 thousand people. All Central city streets were filled with excited people, had blocked the approaches to the administrative area”.
the city began smashing and burning, and sometimes plain banditry. Something where the “defenders of Islam” began to Rob shopkeepers and tear of jewelry with women. In one of the hotels, the rebels started a fire, and when firefighters arrived, opened fire on them. Protesters also tried to take over trolley Park and bakery. To calm the people, authorities of Kabul imposed a curfew. In the suppression of the rebellion was actively involved soldiers of the Soviet 40th army, who had blocked roads in the capital to prevent the influx of new protesters.
the Official Soviet press after the representatives of the puppet Afghan regime has accused “instigators”, “playing on the religious feelings of people” and paid for by outside forces.
“InAbul saved into armed groups, mercenaries, organized acts of sabotage and mass murder of civilians. According to the latest data, in hotels “Jamil”, “metropolis”, “Pak” and “Distal”, as well as in other areas of the city arrested by agents of the Central intelligence Agency, the Pakistani saboteurs and spies along with their henchmen armed killer.<...> Among them Pakistanis Shir Ahmad and Ali Sadr, American Robert Lee, who earlier infiltrated in Afghanistan with spyware and provocative tasks”, – stated in the message of TASS on 23 February.
And on February 24, the newspaper “Izvestia” wrote that the situation in Kabul was ‘normalised’, and the remnants of the “gang” went to the mountains. On the number of victims was not reported, but according to some, during the riots killed several hundred people.
For political reasons, an objective investigation of the Kabul uprising was not carried out. Only through dozens of years in Runet was released a new version of what happened. The author, corporal VDV Sergey Boyarkin, believes that the real reason for the rebellion was the murder of Lieutenant Alexander Vovk and subsequent events.
the Komsomol a Senior instructor of the political Department of the 103rd airborne division Alexander Vovk, together with the head of the air defense of their division, see Dugasheva came to Oise to a well known “Green market”. It is no secret that Soviet officers bought in Afghanistan foreign “deficit”, which then was sent home. The Russian did not have time to get out of the car when in the salon flew a bullet fired by an unknown. Wolf died on the spot. When the news of the death of a wolf reached his fellow soldiers, a few officers and warrant officers 357 parachute regiment, came to the market, have arranged “dismantling” with the locals.
“Moving along the street, they began to smash and crush everything in its path: houses throwing grenades, firing rifles and machine guns on Armored personnel carriers. Under the hot hand of the officers hit dozens of innocent people,” – says Boyarkin, referring to the story of the commandant of the Kabul major Nozdryakov.
It is these actions of the Russian military in Kabul provoked the rebellion, though opposition forces and foreign provocateurs were ready for it and otherwise “adds fuel to the fire.” For their actions and were not punished nor the real killer wolf or Soviet officers.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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