Tag: June
How many of the city’s residents who died this June: compare with the figures...
We also compared the number of deaths in other months of 2019 and 2020
The Siberian Plenipotentiary has told, if he had the coronavirus, and explained where he...
It turned out that Sergey Menyailo engaged in family Affairs
Two more deaths from coronavirus and closed centre: chronicle of the life of Novosibirsk...
Watching the parade, which is not allowed citizens and city life in a period of coronavirus
Until the end of June with discount: Novosibirsk began to save on travel
The discount is valid for contactless payment
Three more deaths from coronavirus and the first Russian vaccine: a chronicle of events...
Tell everything that happened in the city
Sudden weather changes and fresh statistics on sick: the online chronicle of events June...
Talk about what is happening today in Novosibirsk
Two more deaths of patients with COVID-19 and increased unemployment: a chronicle for June...
Tell everything that happened in the city
Free ZOOM webinar for managers of small and medium business to be held June...
To participate you must register at the link
Two more deaths of patients with COVID-19 and another indulgence from the government: a...
Tell everything that happened in the city