Buses and trains of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) have been almost as full as before Corona for three months. The company attributed this to the nine-euro ticket, which has been available since June and expires at the end of August.
“The numbers show that the nine-euro ticket was very well received overall,” the company announced on Saturday. According to a preliminary balance sheet up to August 23, it sold around 3.3 million nine-euro tickets.
As a result, average passenger demand for the three months was 94 percent of the corresponding period in 2019. In May it was still 80 percent.
“The ticket was used in particular in off-peak times, for example for shopping, in leisure time and for excursions,” summarized the BVG. But there were also more passengers at peak commuter times than in May of this year. By mid-September, the BVG wants to determine how many passengers left their cars because of the cheap monthly pass.
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BVG boss Eva Kreienkamp emphasized that the ticket was not only cheap, but above all easy to understand. “Simply designed ticket systems must therefore be a requirement in all considerations about new offers,” she said with a view to the discussions about successor solutions.