Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier wants to set a good example when it comes to saving electricity in view of the impending energy shortage. His official residence in Berlin, Schloss Bellevue, is usually no longer illuminated at night.
This only happens on special occasions such as state visits, said a spokeswoman for the German Press Agency in Berlin. The representative lighting of the castle facade was already switched off in May, the lighting of the outdoor area was limited to the level required for safety reasons.
According to the information provided, the Office of the Federal President obtains certified “green electricity” from hydroelectric power plants. Part of the electricity is generated by photovoltaic systems on the roof of the administration building of the President’s Office.
This should be significantly expanded during the planned renovation and modernization of the building. Consideration will also be given to converting heating and cooling to geothermal energy.
Test drilling for this is being planned, it said. At the moment, the buildings of the Office of the Federal President are heated with district heating. There is no air conditioning.
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According to the information, the head of state and his authority are also focusing on CO2 neutrality when it comes to mobility. Employees at the Berlin and Bonn locations could use a job ticket.