dpatopbilder - 21.06.2022, Rheinland-Pfalz, Kaiserslautern: Der Hauptangeklagte (r) sitzt neben seinem Anwalt Leonhard Kaiser im Verhandlungssaal des Landgerichts Kaiserslautern. Dort beginnt am 21.06.2022 der Prozess wegen der Polizistenmorde im Januar in der Westpfalz. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft einem 39 Jahre alten Mann vor, eine junge Polizistin und ihren Kollegen bei einer Verkehrskontrolle erschossen zu haben. Knapp fünf Monate nach den tödlichen Schüssen auf zwei Polizisten in der Nähe von Kusel (Rheinland-Pfalz) hat am Dienstag der Mordprozess gegen den mutmaßlichen Schützen begonnen. Foto: Uwe Anspach/dpa-Pool/dpa - ACHTUNG: Person(en) wurde(n) aus rechtlichen Gründen gepixelt +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

In the murder trial of the fatal shots at two police officers near Kusel in the Palatinate, the main defendant testified in detail about his CV and his passion for hunting. He was taught to shoot by his father at the age of six. A friend of his father let him shoot wild boar for the first time a few years later.

“When I was ten or eleven, I shot everything that was going around here,” said the man from Neunkirchen in Saarland on Monday before the Kaiserslautern district court.

At the age of 16 he officially got his hunting license. In the first six months alone, he shot 48 deer at his uncle’s. “I liked that,” he said. The accused German also testified in court that he later learned a special technique when reloading “because I wanted to be fast”.

The public prosecutor’s office accuses the 39-year-old of murdering a 24-year-old police officer and a 29-year-old police commissioner during a nightly vehicle inspection at the end of January to cover up poaching.