Weapons 27/12/19 What German planes are most easily shot down by Soviet aces
Special studies about which the planes of the Luftwaffe, Soviet pilots to shoot down was easier, nobody spent. However, the overall conclusions do not so hard, studying the works of modern historians of aviation, such as Mikhail Zefirov or Michael Holm, memoirs of the pilots of the Second world war and data on the use of specific types of German aircraft.
“spikes” and “Rama”
among the first aircraft shot down by Soviet fighters on 22 June 1941, was the German scout Hs.126. Main close reconnaissance of the Luftwaffe, were in the red Army nickname of “crutch”, which successfully operated in the beginning of the Second world war on the Eastern front, suffered heavy losses.
As the scouts early in the war acted alone, without fighter cover, the pilots of “crutches” had to rely only on their own machine gun and maneuverable quality of his plane. I must say that Soviet pilots noted the high persistence of Hs.126. The plane was very “nimble”, to get into it was hard, to knock, it was necessary almost to riddle everything. But to deal with a single scout pair of Soviet fighters, even the old designs are usually managed. The Germans had to cover the reconnaissance fighters, which significantly sprayed their power.
Replaced scout “Henschel” twin-engine FW.189 proved to be more tenacious. In the red Army, the aircraft received the nickname of “Frame” for the characteristic appearance and in the first months of its appearance on the front of losses had no. This is largely achieved through ground intelligence posts, which had previously reported the emergence of Soviet fighters. Maneuverability “Frame” was better than Hs.126, and twin-engine aircraft harder to shoot down. There were times when FW.189 returned to the airport, even after a RAM. In any case, the Germans had a “Frame” prikryvatü its fighters, which also saved them from losses.
“the Symbol of blitzkrieg”, or “Laplink”
In “the Story of a real man” by Boris Polevoy first fight prostheses Alexei Maresyev leads with the German bombers Ju.87. The author writes that the aircraft respect the Soviet pilots did not cause and were considered easy prey, which “it is indecent to show off.”
indeed, the dive bomber Ju.87, commonly called “the Thing” (from the German Sturzkampfflugzeug) was a storm only for the army. Opening the road to his troops, is considered a “symbol of blitzkrieg”, the plane was too heavy and floppy, making him easy prey for the fighters to even the most outdated designs. The second nickname of the aircraft in the red Army was “Laplink” for a characteristic appearance: the fixed landing gear, closed fairing that resembled sandals.
From large losses “Stuff” was saved only that they flew in large groups and always accompanied by fighters. Another worth noting a very high level of training of pilots of dive bombers, which made them a dangerous opponent. Many Soviet fighters fell under the fire of machine guns “of Lapatnikov”. Thus, the number of victories one of the most famous German aces Hans-Ulrich Rudel, who flew to the “Thing”, was shot down seven Soviet fighters, including the Soviet ACE Lev Shestakov. However, if the Soviet fighters managed to break through to the dive-bombers, the chance to leave the German pilots had very little.
they took Him for fighter
the number of German planes that the Soviet pilots were relatively easy to shoot down, is this machine as FW.190. Write about it and the authors of the many memoirs and in fiction. In a novel by Nikolai Chukovsky “Baltic sky” describes how at the first meeting with FW.190 Soviet pilots easily shot down and even wondered why the new German fighter proved to be so weak. However, the weakness of the “Fokker” (as it is called in the red Army) was based on one tabloideAI. The vast majority of books on the history of the great Patriotic war it is written that FW.190 was created to replace the “Messerschmitt” Bf.109. But the fact that replacement it was not. “Fokker” was designed as a multirole aircraft with several variants. So, on the Western front, the Luftwaffe used a modification of the interceptors to deal with heavy bombers the allies.
On the Eastern front, the most popular were versions of the attack FW.190F fighter-bomber FW.190G. Fighter modifications of FW.190A was less, and among them also was a lot of attack and bomber variants. On the Eastern front “Fockers” in fact did not come to replace the “Messer”, and changed “a Thing.” In the battle of Kursk, when the “Fockers” first appeared EN masse, took part 204 FW.190, of which 52 were part of the 1st assault squadron.
According to historian of aviation of the Second world Michael Holm and information from the directory K. Shishkin, “the German Armed forces. 1939-1945”, by the summer of 1944 the Luftwaffe had 25 air groups of stormtroopers FW.190F and FW.190G. While there were only 12 fighter groups FW.190A, half of them operated on the Western front, and on the East they were used to assault the FW options.190A.
At a meeting with Soviet fighters “Fokker”, which was carried under the fuselage bombs and rockets were too heavy and unwieldy to be a serious opponent. You should pay attention to how often it is mentioned that “fighters” FW.190 were accompanied by Bf.109. Usually some other fighters don’t follow, just in these cases they were talking about the stormtroopers.
Cyril Shishkin
© Russian Seven
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