History 14/01/20 What are the trophies of the red Army showed the Germans in Germany in 1942
the Authorities of the Third Reich sought to present the war on the Eastern front as a “liberation campaign” against communism. In 1942, the Imperial propaganda Department of the Nazi party organised an exhibition of “trophies” taken from the occupied territories. On the idea of henchmen Goebbels, German citizens had to see firsthand to what the state has brought the Russian people by the ruling in the USSR, as they were called Nazi propaganda, “radobolsky”.
“the Tragedy of Bolshevist reality”
the Exhibition Das Sowjet-Paradies (“the Soviet Paradise”) visited Vienna, Prague and Berlin. In the capital of Germany it was held from 8 may to 21 June 1942 in the Central Park Lustgarten. During this time the exhibition was visited by 1.3 million people. For the rest of the Germans were issued a catalog of the exhibits that were distributed throughout Germany.
the Pavilions occupied the area of 9 thousand square meters. Buildings and items of Soviet life were presented as realistic as possible. In particular, the audience could see a copy of a Russian village with wooden shacks and thatched roofs. Also on display was a reconstructed image of one of the districts of Minsk workshop of a shoemaker, a bench, dugout, where the workers lived. The Soviet people “pretending” wax figures.
by Showing the Germans tattered clothes and pottery, the exhibition organizers strongly emphasized the wretchedness of Russian life. The exhibition also played a short documentary. Its content was simple: in the poor villages of the German cameramen met the ragged alarmed residents, followed by footage of horribly emaciated children, in whose bodies crawling flies.
“Words and pictures are not enough to make the tragedy of Bolshevist reality believable to Europeans”, — stated in the exhibition catalogue.
However, neither the organizers nor many in the audience, veprobably by, had no illusions as to what German conquest will somehow improve life shown in the film people.
in Addition to the poverty emphasis was placed on the bloodthirsty Soviet regime. One of the most spectacular exhibits was the firing chamber of the NKVD, which allegedly killed 5 thousand people.
Effective disinformation
To reinforce a negative impression of the Soviet Union, the Nazis did not hesitate a distortion of reality. For example, some of the photos “of Russian life” was staged. The role of “victims of Bolshevism” was performed by prisoners of the concentration camp Sachsenhausen. Real data about the farms, the camps, the hunger, the large number of orphans were interspersed with unfounded anti-Semitic slogans. The propagandists of the Reich did not try to downplay the power of the enemy. In particular, at the entrance to the exhibition was a Soviet tank and artillery guns, and in one of the pavilions was displayed a stuffed “anti-tank dogs” tied grenades (Minen-Hund). From what I’ve seen, the Germans were able to draw a conclusion about why the blitzkrieg in 1941 failed.
“the Ideological thesis that Germany protects Europe, could very many be taken seriously. To doubt the veracity of material about the USSR never had, and the threat of the spread of the Soviet system in the rest of Europe looked quite real,” — said the historian Dmitry Khmelnitsky.
Although the goals of the organizers of the exhibition have generally made, it has also brought unexpected results. For example, according to the police reports, some people said that after the war, would never agree to go to Russia in order to colonize it. In occupied Prague exhibition even fueled anti-German sentiment – seeing Soviet weapons, the Czechs had hopes for the liberation of their country.
Not without incident. May 18, underground anti-fascist group of working-Jew of Herbert Baum arranged in Lustgarten arson. Great damage is not caused, but a few people postradal. Baum and his associates, the Gestapo caught within a few days, 20 members of the group were executed. In addition, in retaliation for what happened in the concentration camps were sent to hundreds still remained in the Berlin Jews.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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