16.08.2022, Hessen, Kassel: Das Werk "All mining is dangerous", eine Kooperation des indonesischen Kollektivs Taring Padi und Just Seed (Portland), zeigt vier Personen mit Geldsäcken, von denen eine eine Kippa trägt, die nachträglich abgedeckt wurde. Das Junge Forum der Deutsch-israelischen Gesellschaft wirft den Machern der Ausstellung in Kassel vor, ein als antisemitisch kritisiertes Werk in Teilen überklebt zu haben. Foto: Uwe Zucchi/dpa - ACHTUNG: Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung und nur mit vollständiger Nennung des vorstehenden Credits +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The chair of the documenta expert committee, Nicole Deitelhoff, has criticized the management of the world art exhibition in Kassel for their handling of the renewed anti-Semitism allegations. “The committee was neither informed about the pasting over nor about the removal of works from the exhibition if they had been removed in a targeted manner,” Deitelhoff told the “Welt am Sonntag”. Both are completely inappropriate with a view to dealing with the problem of anti-Semitism in these works and massively hinder the work of the committee.

Accusations of anti-Semitism against documenta fifteen have been circulating since the beginning of the year. Shortly after the opening of the exhibition, a banner with anti-Jewish motifs by the Indonesian art collective Taring Padi was taken down.

Several works were later criticized as anti-Semitic, including depictions in a brochure, which have since been removed from the exhibition. Recently there was outrage about another work by Taring Padi, whereupon a headgear depicted in it, which resembles a kippah, was pasted over.