03.08.2022, Berlin: Eine junge Ukrainerin genießt den Sommer in der deutschen Hauptstadt und kühlt sich bei Temperaturen um 35 Grad Celsius in einem Citybrunnen im Bezirk Mitte ab. Nach Angaben der Meteorologen werden die Temperaturen in den kommenden Tagen noch weiter ansteigen. Foto: Wolfgang Kumm/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Take a deep breath at the beginning of the week – then the temperatures in Germany will climb again in many places to midsummer 26 to 34 degrees. “After the low Karin gave parts of Germany rain, sometimes in large quantities, Hoch Piet is now back in pole position,” said meteorologist Lars Kirchhübel from the German Weather Service in Offenbach on Sunday. The drought, especially in western Germany, continues with no prospect of relief.

Coal phase-out, climate change, sector coupling: The briefing for the energy and climate sector. For decision makers

The offshoot of the Azores high Piet will determine the weather in large parts of western and central Europe in the next few days, said the weather expert. “However, in Germany there is always a scramble in the peripheral areas.” Atlantic lows such as Lavinia tried to penetrate between Iceland and Norway with their foothills on the mainland. In most cases, however, only the north-west of Germany and the coastal regions would be affected.

From the Oder and Neisse to the Ore Mountains and in south-eastern Bavaria, however, thicker cloud fields and little precipitation must be expected. A high-reaching low over the Balkan region is responsible for this. Short showers are also possible in the Black Forest. “In the rest of the country, Hoch Piet can largely assert itself, although he is shifting his focus to Denmark for the new week,” emphasized the meteorologist.

It stays too dry. According to the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, August will be far too dry overall – apart from a few areas in eastern Germany – compared to the long-term average. The deviations are particularly clear in the west and south.