These are social democratic times, at least all major issues sound like it, and the big question of the time is: where is social democracy? Answer: in government. Which is not banal, but simply part of the truth. That’s one of the reasons for the state the SPD is in – falling in popularity.
The party, enthusiastic about itself after the outcome of the election, really believed to have been chosen for itself. To have been called with Olaf Scholz. The fact that it was the circumstances, literally the weather and a Union strategy that wasn’t one – that’s being ignored. The result can be viewed in these days and weeks.
If the chancellor were someone to whom hearts, or at least esteem and respect, just flew, if Olaf Scholz were Helmut Schmidt, so to speak, the second, then the crisis of organized social democracy would perhaps be covered up. But Scholz is more unpopular than any chancellor before him after this short term. Even Friedrich Merz (CDU) would prefer the Germans to be at the head of the government.
And that doesn’t just have something to do with Scholz. No, it has something to do with a party that doesn’t take the word party, from the Latin pars, part of the whole, seriously enough. The party sees itself – like the parliamentary group, where you can understand that – as a service provider for the government. trustee, accountant. But who chooses them?
The party is the place, the haven of political self-assurance, the transmission belt of its issues to the population in order to convince them. Look here, is the actual motto, we would do all this if we could rule alone. In this case: pure SPD.
This is all the more important as the SPD’s terms of office are traditionally not easy, so to speak. The first economic crisis, the oil crisis, the so-called German Autumn, the next economic and financial crisis, reform pressures after Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel – the Social Democrats then countered this with services that were wrested from exhausting discussions.
Let’s say: the immigration law, the improved situation of same-sex partnerships, the lowering of the basic tax rate, the defense of the health system, the all-day school program, renewable energies. Yes, those too. And these are just a few examples.
It is about demonstrating the ability to sit down together in order to engage in constructive discussions. Quarrels, arguments, are necessary, just not as yelling. But politics is also “no choral society harmony”, as a legendary general secretary knew, albeit from the CDU, Heiner Geißler. Where’s Kevin Kühnert when you need him?
The party needs him! Developing political concepts, setting topics for debates in every local association, sub-district, every working group, for open general meetings, for labor party conferences – the SPD needs drive, in a coalition like never before, the interpretative sovereignty for what “centre” is , to bring back.
Those who have the authority to interpret current social challenges are at the center of society. And increasing in popularity.