27.07.2022, Berlin: Katja Kipping (Die Linke), Senatorin für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales in Berlin, spricht auf einer Pressekonferenz zu den Folgen des Rückzugs anderer Bundesländer aus dem EASY-Verteilsystem für Asylantragsstellende. Foto: Britta Pedersen/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

In view of the energy crisis, Berlin’s Social Senator Katja Kipping (left) calls for greater efforts from the economy. “Before it starts to freeze in private apartments, the neon signs in the street area should first be put to the test. You could save electricity immediately,” said Kipping in an interview with the “Berliner Morgenpost” (Sunday). Large companies would have to review their processes. “It’s also about considering how to organize working hours and opening hours in such a way that as little electricity as possible is consumed.”

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The savings should not primarily come at the expense of private households. The acceptance of the savings measures increases when all energy users are involved. “The commercial sector must also be involved from the start,” emphasized Kipping.