04.07.2022, Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk: Rauch steigt von den Frontlinien auf, an denen sich ukrainische und russische Truppen heftige Kämpfe liefern, während zehn Kilometer davon entfernt, in der Region Dnipropetrowsk, Landwirte ihre Felder ernten. Schätzungsweise 22 Millionen Tonnen Getreide sind in der Ukraine blockiert, und der Druck wächst mit Beginn der neuen Ernte. Normalerweise liefert das Land etwa 30 % seines Getreides nach Europa, 30 % nach Nordafrika und 40 % nach Asien. Doch aufgrund der anhaltenden russischen Seeblockade der ukrainischen Schwarzmeerhäfen können Millionen Tonnen der letztjährigen Ernte noch immer nicht ihr Ziel erreichen. Foto: Efrem Lukatsky/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

In the conflict over the blockade of grain exports from Ukraine, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and representatives from Russia and Ukraine want to sign an agreement on Friday in Istanbul. This was announced by the Turkish Presidential Office on Thursday.

A UN spokesman in New York had previously announced that Guterres wanted to travel to Istanbul on Thursday. An agreement on an agreement with Moscow and Ukraine to export millions of tons of Ukrainian grain has not yet been fully negotiated, the spokesman said.

The parties had already reached an agreement in principle last week. For example, joint controls should take place. A solution had also been found for the safety of the ships with which the grain is to be transported. In addition, a coordination center with representatives from all sides is to be set up on the Bosporus in Istanbul. The strait running through Istanbul, over which Turkey has sovereignty, is the only sea route from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.