15.08.2022, Berlin: Freie Mitarbeiter protestieren vor Beginn der Sondersitzung des RBB-Rundfunkrats mit Plakaten und Schildern vom dem Haus des Rundfunks. In der Sitzung soll es um das Thema Vertragsauflösung der zurückgetretenen ARD- und RBB-Chefin Schlesinger gehen. Foto: Monika Skolimowska/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

At Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), things are now fermenting in all departments. On Monday, the following appeal from middle and lower management levels circulated on the station’s intranet: “Now it’s up to all of us! Together for a new beginning”. Our RBB is at stake, says the petition, which is being signed by more and more employees. “We are struck, frightened, shocked. For many of us, for many of you, this station is more than a job, for some it is a life’s work.”

The RBB is there for all Berliners and Brandenburgers. They would fund it and be entitled to excellent programming. “We and you work together for this every day.

In order to guarantee this, rbb must remain capable of acting in every respect.”

The undersigned call on the Broadcasting Council and the Board of Directors to create the conditions for a fresh start as quickly as possible, but not in haste. “This includes both the appointment of the directorship and the reorganization of the management.” It is clear that there is no future for the current management in the new RBB. She should only remain in office until – at least – a working interim solution has been found, it is said. “From our point of view, all colleagues must have the opportunity to participate in the restart. We reject blanket prejudice against non-tariff employees.”

Now it’s about clarification, processing and, derived from this, a new beginning in the station. “We want to stand together and protect and rebuild rbb together. We don’t want to become the plaything of other interests and believe that this can only succeed if we stick together now. Together. Respectful. With consideration for each other. For rbb”, it says in the petition.