Biography 16/02/20 x/f Capaeity Isaev: what happened in the life of the legendary Chapaev orderly
the Film “Chapaev” was first released in 1934. The legendary Chapaev, fearless Anka-machine-gunner and a dedicated commander Petya immediately won the hearts of the audience. The scenario Peter was a country boy, kind of rustic and sincerely believe in the genius and the ideology of his division commander. And if he had a prototype in real life? And what was he really like?
Petka from the movie
Orderly Petka is a selfless fighter and a reliable friend. It was conceived thanks to the book by Dmitry Furmanov and adaptation of the Vasilyev brothers. The writer admitted that the characters are Petka and Anka have no real prototypes that this collective fictional heroes. But later still found their prototypes. At least decided to think so.
Peter Skew and Peter Camestres
an unexpected trail Chapayev and his sidekick Petka historians found in the archives of the Karaganda region. Available documents indicate that in 1938 the Presidium of the Council resolution of 16 November ordered cash a pension of 400 rubles Oblique Evdokia Vlasova – “mother heroic dead son Peter in the 25th Chapayev division”. Document more than 70 years had been unclaimed and were found by the Director of the archive quite by accident. Extract from the decision reads: “the Oblique E. V. had two sons – Oblique Semyon Ivanovich and Oblique Pyotr Ivanovich, who in 1918-1919 were: Semyon Ivanovich – commander of the Department, and Peter Ivanovich – orderly of comrade Chapaev.
In 1919, September 5 in a RAID of the Cossack bands on the headquarters 25th Chapayev division in the city of Vishinski Oblique Semyon Ivanovich was badly injured, and then died soon after. Oblique Pyotr heroically died along with a comrade Chapaev in the Ural river”. The authenticity of the documents is not in doubt.
there is one more version, whichParadise also has a right to exist. Descendants of the legendary Chapaev tell you what was in their famous grandparent’s army buddy Peter Clesceri, some traits which can be traced in the character of the film. But this man’s descendants could not find, so information on it is too small, and it is difficult to confirm or refute this hypothesis.
Petr Isaev
yet the most popular remains the assumption that the prototype favorite character was Peter Isaev. His biography is very interesting and has a number of contradictory facts.
he was Born, according to one version, in 1880, the other in 1884-m. But the place of birth is not in doubt is the village of Korneevka, located in the Saratov region (this fact is supported by documents stored in the House-Museum of V. I. Chapaev in the town of Pugachev). Petr Isaev was not naive and simple, as is the hero of the film. Before the First world war he graduated at the Saratov real school and was more educated than the divisional commander Chapaev, attending only parochial school. Your military path began Isaev senior non-commissioned officer of the music team, and finished as a commander, 326 th company Beloruskogo regiment in the rank of captain. Under his command, and served as Sergeant-major Vasily Chapaev.
the February revolution allowed them both to become members of the regimental Committee. But October changed a lot: Chapaeva was elected commander of the regiment, and Isayev was waiting for an unenviable fate. At that time, the soldiers bayoneted had not managed to escape the officers. Chapaev came to the defense of a faithful companion, and appointed Peter as its adjutant. Later Isaev has saved the commander from death, often prompted him competent tactical military decisions. During the First world Isaev was injured and returned home, where he organized anti-Bolshevik uprising, and then in Semenovka met again with Chapaev.
version of the death of Petr Isaev
still considering several options for the death of Peter Isayev. Interestingly, for each of them are confirmedia and denial.
According to the first version, he died heroically along with their commander on 5 September 1919 in the village Lbischenskogo during an enemy attack. The second version says that Isayev of the day byvlo near Chapaev, and he shot as soon as I heard about his death. The third version is more like a legend: supposedly Peter was shot a year at the Wake Chapaeva, loudly shouting: “No, Vasily Ivanovich, I do not live.”
If you believe what you tell his daughter, Petr Semenovich after the death of Chapaev continued on his way with the division further. Participated in military actions under the Kazakhstan, where he was seriously wounded. From the hospital, he ran home. However, serious injuries made themselves felt – Isayev could not fully recover and died of typhoid fever in 1929. To establish the exact date of death and failed, but the grave of the famous adjutant preserved – it is situated in the Chelyabinsk region, in the village Kundravy. It is a monument with the inscription: “Isaev, Petr Semenovich. Messenger I Chapaeva”. Dates of birth and death do not exist. Here’s a mysterious fate was in this man.
So whether the placeholder
Conflicting versions make you think that the image Petka still has a collective character. Despite the fact that most of the sources and contemporaries incline us to believe that the prototype was made by Petr Isaev, to deny any involvement in Gameskerala and Oblique, probably not worth it. Official documents and stories of relatives suggests that their traits we see in the hero of the famous Soviet film.
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