25.08.2022, Brandenburg, Neuruppin: Spielgeräte stehen auf dem Geländer einer Kita in Neuruppin. Die Stadt Neuruppin hat die Führung einer Kindertagesstätte suspendiert. Gegen die Leiterin und ihre Stellvertreterin gebe es schwerwiegende Vorwürfe, teilte der Bürgermeister der Stadt mit. (Zu dpa "Wegen Gefährdung von Kindeswohl: Kitaleitung gekündigt") Foto: Cevin Dettlaff/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The city of Neuruppin has suspended the management of a daycare center. There are serious allegations against the director and her deputy, said Mayor Nico Ruhle (SPD) on Thursday evening.

“It’s about physical harm, coercion and violation of the duty of care.” The management and deputy have now been terminated, and the city administration has also filed a criminal complaint with the public prosecutor. “I would like to emphasize: There are no allegations of sexual abuse in the room,” Ruhle said.

The “Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung” had previously reported on children who had come home with bruises and abrasions.

According to Mayor Ruhle, several educators at the facility wrote to the city administration at the end of July. Shortly thereafter, there was a staff meeting with the management and their deputy. At the beginning of August, both were given notice of termination.

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“It’s about individuals, not the facility as a whole,” emphasized Ruhle. He called for the employees not to be placed under general suspicion.