ARCHIV - 10.03.2020, USA, Washington: Elon Musk, Vorstandsvorsitzende von Tesla und SpaceX, spricht auf der Satellite Conference and Exhibition in Washington. Musk legt mit neuen Argumenten beim Versuch nach, seine rund 44 Milliarden Dollar (43,9 Mrd Euro) teure Übernahme des Online-Dienstes Twitter abzublasen. (zu dpa "Musk erklärt Twitter-Deal wegen Whistleblower-Vorwürfen für ungültig") Foto: Susan Walsh/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Elon Musk comes up with new arguments when trying to call off his $ 44 billion (43.9 billion euros) takeover of the online service Twitter. The Tesla boss brings into play the recently known allegations by a whistleblower who, among other things, accuses Twitter of insufficient protection of user data and other security weaknesses.

Digital policy, regulation, artificial intelligence: the briefing on digitization

Because of these “outrageous” deficiencies, Musk’s purchase offer for Twitter should be classified as invalid, his lawyers wrote in a letter to the company published on Tuesday via a stock exchange release.

Musk is thus expanding his central arguments in trying to get out of the Twitter takeover agreed in April. So far, the tech billionaire has relied on the company’s alleged misrepresentations about the number of fake accounts.

Musk and Twitter are in litigation, the group wants to enforce the deal in court. In October, a trial in Delaware is to clarify how things will continue.