Due to rising energy prices, Die Linke Berlin is calling for a moratorium on terminating rental apartments in state-owned housing companies. “Nobody should lose their apartment because they can’t pay their operating costs,” said the parliamentary group leader of the Left in the House of Representatives, Carsten Schatz, on Thursday.
So that the state-owned housing companies do not get into payment difficulties themselves, the left wants to support the companies with tax money. The additional tax revenue of the state of Berlin would already amount to more than two billion euros this year alone, said Schatz. He refers to a status report on the budget from the financial administration, which is to be published in the coming week.
In order to protect the other tenants, the Left Party also wants to talk to private landlords. However, only the federal government can legally stipulate a comprehensive termination moratorium for rental apartments, gas and electricity contracts.
All Berlin coalition parties are currently considering how to cushion rising energy prices and prevent energy poverty. The Greens want to present the first cornerstones of a relief concept on Friday. Due to the legislative competence, the SPD, the Greens and the Left usually refer first to the federal government.
SPD parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh criticized the measures taken by the federal government so far on Wednesday as insufficient. “With average annual additional tax revenue for the state of around 163 billion euros, the relief measures in the single-digit billion range discussed at federal level are not suitable for finding acceptance among the population,” said Saleh of the German Press Agency.
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The Berlin left is also demanding more relief from the federal government. She proposes an energy allowance of 125 euros per month for a one-person household. For each additional household member, another 50 euros should be added. The money for this should come from the inflation-related additional revenue of the federal government and from an excess profit tax.
In addition to a termination moratorium, the left is also examining other country-related relief models. The party wants to give more details in the coming week.
It is becoming more and more likely that the hardship fund of 380 million euros decided in the state budget will be significantly increased. The fund is intended both for citizens who can no longer pay their energy bills and for the expected additional expenses of schools, fire brigades, the police and other public institutions.
It is already foreseeable that the previous sum will not be sufficient for this, and an increase to one billion euros is under discussion. The SPD, Greens and Left want to discuss the necessary supplementary budget on August 26th.