ARCHIV - 22.04.2022, Bayern, Veitshöchheim: Ein Mann sitzt in einem, in die Mainfrankensäle verlegten, Gerichtssaal auf der Anklagebank. Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft wirft dem Beschuldigten unter anderem Mord in drei Fällen sowie versuchten Mord in elf Fällen vor - begangen im Zustand der Schuldunfähigkeit. (zu dpa "Plädoyers im Prozess gegen Messerstecher von Würzburg beginnen") Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa - ACHTUNG: Der Beschuldigte wurde auf Anordnung des Gerichts gepixelt. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

For the deadly knife attack on unsuspecting passers-by in Würzburg, the district court of Würzburg sent a mentally ill man to a psychiatric ward for an indefinite period. That said the presiding judge, Thomas Schuster, on Tuesday at the verdict.

It has been proven that the accused, who was innocent at the time of the crime, indiscriminately attacked people with a kitchen knife on June 25, 2021 in downtown Würzburg. Three women died and nine people were injured.

According to two independent reports, the Somali refugee is paranoid schizophrenic and heard voices that would have ordered him to commit the crime. The verdict is not yet legally binding. (Az: 1 Ks 502 Js 278/21)

The Munich public prosecutor’s office had accused the man, around 30, whose age the authorities do not know, of three counts of murder and attempted murder.

According to two independent reports, the accused is mentally ill and was therefore not responsible for the crime. For reasons of space, the security procedure took place in an event hall in Estenfeld near Würzburg.

Since April, the man has had to answer for the security procedure. “The accused chose the injured party arbitrarily,” senior public prosecutor Judith Henkel said in her final statement on Monday.