History 18/01/20 How many times the Soviet troops were trying to surround the army of Paulus
In the book of Georgy Zhukov’s “Memories and reflections” in the Chapter on the battle of Stalingrad is the scene where, in the office of Stalin, Zhukov and Vasilevsky to step aside, discuss what to look for “another solution”.
They heard the Supreme and then they began to discuss the idea of the encirclement of German forces at Stalingrad. The conversation took place on the 12th of September, and after it began the development of the operation and long-term training: wrote plans, hoarding power, etc. it Turned out that the idea of surrounding the army of Paulus at Stalingrad came to mind Zhukov, and besides him no one knew.
First, who did not like this interpretation of events was the supporters of the theory of the genius of Stalin, especially in military matters. They began to prove that was almost, but to encircle the Germans invented himself Stalin. In Soviet times, no one publicly spoke or wrote, but the people who think a natural question arises: what is such a brilliant idea to surround a deep blow by the enemy? It should consider any officer who graduated from the Academy, because this solution has been used at least since the Punic wars. The battle of Stalingrad was called the Cannes of the twentieth century. And during the Second World war operations on a strategic scale to the environment to the 42nd year, was held a lot. Especially if to consider, and failed.
About who invented this operation, it is easy to understand from the book of Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov, “Brain of the army”. It is well documented the mechanism of development and decision-making and that all strategic operations designed and planned by the staff of the General staff. Everything about encirclement of German forces at Stalingrad was conceived in the General staff, and the implementation of the plans were done by front-line command with the participation of representatives of the Bet.
as with any deep breakthrough of the enemy, always the possibility to surround the troops to break strikes on the flanks of his group, the officers of the General staff, such operations were proposed during the battle of Stalingrad even when the fighting on the distant approaches. And not just proposed, but held.
the First such attempt was carried out on 20 th of August the forces of the 63rd and 21st armies. Task beginning of the offensive had broken through the encirclement of troops of the 6th German army in the small bend of the don. The attempt was not successful: our troops suffered losses, the offensive bogged down, to surround the enemy did not succeed
After the breakthrough of the army of Paulus to the Volga river, 18 September Stalingrad front, and the 19th, and the South West, launched an offensive on the flanks of the German forces to its environment. The fighting lasted three days, but the defense of the German troops was not broken. The troops of both fronts suffered heavy losses and could not continue the offensive.
the 7th of October 1942, came “the Directive of the General staff of the red Army commander of the don and Stalingrad fronts on the development of the offensive plan” for No 170644. The operation was planned on the 20th of October. The exact title of the document is not specified, but in many memoirs of participants it is called “don”.
Operation failed, the troops of the don front suffered great losses and are unable to break through the enemy’s defenses.
After that began to plan a new operation, which was appointed on the 10th of November. However, because focus did not have time, maturity was deferred to 20 November. What happened next is well known.
So it turns out that when talking about the battle of Stalingrad, I mean the first fighting in the city. But they forget that the fighting in Stalingrad directly has led the 62nd army Chuikov. And in the actions on the flanks of Stalingrad took part and army of two, then three fronts. And these fights were no less bloody, which can be seen by the number withsoedinenii who took part in them, and how often these connections have led from the front to re-form.
as for the question about who exactly came up with “another solution”, it turns out that there was no “brilliant insights” and was a routine work of the officers of the General staff. Which since the German breakthrough to the Volga regularly planned operations in their environment. How many of them planned is unknown, but judging from the available documents was conducted four such operations, the last of which was successful.
And about the conversation from 12-th of September in the office of Stalin’s historians have yet to understand: if he was and what decisions were taken there. In any case, it is known that coordination of operations on the Stalingrad front in September and October carried out the bugs, then later was withdrawn and directed on the Rzhev direction, and the planning and execution of operation Uranus was held without his participation.
Cyril Shishkin
© Russian Seven
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