07.03.2022, Niedersachsen, Hannover: Ein Ballon mit Aufschrift ·Equal Pay Day· fliegt in der Innenstadt. Der Equal Pay Day am 07. März soll auf die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen und Männern aufmerksam machen. Foto: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

So many are now talking, with the Chancellor leading the way, that Ukraine needs a “Marshall Plan”, a reconstruction plan like that of Germany after World War II. Apart from the fact that that sounds strange, because Germany was in ruins through its own fault, while Ukraine is the victim of a war of aggression – Germany also needs a good plan in view of all the crises. Let’s call it Germany plan.

It is necessary to keep an eye on the long-term perspectives in crisis management and to head for the lead markets of the future now. Promoting the environmental renewal of the economy with billions of euros – beyond electromobility – is one example. Germany needs to be promoted to a top spot and kept there.

It is, shall we say, to fit special depreciation for investments in energy efficiency into the budget and to combine everything into “green growth impulses”. (Which does not mean the Greens as a party.)

Policy is now being made for the next decade. In which, finally, equality and equal pay for women and men is no longer an issue. Equality all the way up: 40 percent for supervisory board mandates (and board positions), federal holdings set a good example. This includes a binding legal framework that helps to close the wage gap.

Global climate protection requires a lot of technology – preferably from Germany. The required energy and raw material efficiency helps to renew the economy. At the same time, the Federal Republic of Germany will supply the world with new products that protect the environment and conserve resources.

This creates new jobs in industry, medium-sized companies and companies with production-related services. And where the Chancellor has planned a “concerted action” – an “Alliance for SMEs” would also be a good idea. Objectives: fight credit crunch, maintain core workforce, renew production base. A strong production location then strengthens the service sector. With more jobs in the healthcare and creative industries.

How about a restart of the social market economy? All incentives are geared towards long-term, sustainable success, from accounting rules to executive salaries. Co-determination can also help in the long term. Social partnership in the companies strengthens them.

It goes without saying that Germany needs the most modern energy, transport and communication networks. Fast broadband network for everyone, an intelligent energy network for more renewable energies, comprehensive telematics systems to prevent traffic jams in cities and on motorways, everything on a clear timeline – well, how does that sound?

That sounds like a plan. Which, by the way, we could have had long ago. What is written is borrowed from Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s “Germany Plan” when he was chancellor candidate in 2009. Angela Merkel was elected.