Gasag customers in Berlin will feel the effects of the various gas levies from October. Gasag announced on Friday that the gas supplier will raise prices by a total of 3.63 cents per kilowatt hour including 19 percent VAT from this point onwards.
The price increase could be a little lower if the federal government decides to reduce VAT, which is currently being discussed. Gasag also intends to pass these on in full to customers.
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According to the company, an average Berlin household with an annual consumption of around 12,000 kilowatt hours will incur monthly additional costs of around 36.30 euros. For a single-family house with 20,000 kilowatt hours, it is therefore 60.50 euros more.
The company is thus passing on three different gas surcharges to consumers. The gas procurement levy, with which the federal government wants to compensate for the increased procurement costs of gas importers, has the largest share of the cost increase.