Festivalbesucher tanzen auf einer mit leuchtenden Ballonen geschmückten Bühne auf dem Gelände des Fusion-Festival 2019. Seit 1997 findet auf einem ehemaligen russischen Militärflugplatz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern das viertägige Festival mit Musik, Theater, Performance, Kino und Installation statt. Um das Sicherheitskonzept war im Vorfeld lange zwischen Behörden und Veranstaltern gerungen worden. Zu dem Festival werden Zehntausende Besucher erwartet. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

More than 75,000 people danced and celebrated at the Fusion, the big music and theater festival at the former military airfield in Lärz (Mecklenburg Lake District) over the weekend. Hundreds of them have apparently been infected with Corona: In the forum of the Kulturkosmos association, which organizes the Fusion Festival, visitors count their infections.

There were more than 600 on Thursday around 6 p.m. First the “Berliner Zeitung” had reported. How reliable the figures are in detail remains unclear. However, they give an indication that the corona virus has spread among many visitors. Some also describe their symptoms in detail in the forum.

On Wednesday, the police also took stock of the multi-day festival. During checks, 56 drivers were found who were probably driving vehicles under the influence of drugs, and 80 criminal charges were filed for illegal drug possession of a number of substances.

In addition, two suspected drug dealers were apprehended, from whom a large number of types of drugs, including 8,200 so-called LSD trips, were confiscated.

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According to the police, the 31- and 32-year-old suspects were taken into custody. The street value of these drugs is in the six figures.