History 26/01/20 Five of the most terrible terrorist acts in the Caucasus in the USSR
Since the 1990s years, the Caucasus is strongly associated with murders, explosions and kidnappings. However, in Soviet times, on both sides of the Caucasian ridge were active criminals and terrorists.
the Attack in Krasnodar
When 14 June 1971 on the street Turgeneva in Krasnodar the explosion occurred, the citizens hardly realized that there was a terrorist attack. Too far from Soviet reality seemed to be this concept. However, KGB agents of the illusions entertained. However, the identity of the detainee within two days of the terrorist, probably, has surprised even seasoned security officers. 31-year-old citizen Peter Volynsky, who suffered from schizophrenia, invented his own theory States that short people have to high destroy. Volyns’kyi built the bomb and put it in the suitcase, carried on the bus. The explosion killed 10 people, 90 passengers were injured. Volyn declared insane and has appointed to it compulsory treatment.
the Shooting in the restaurant “Sofia”
In 1979, the story of the bloody gang Habal Osmanov. Three thugs began stealing cattle, and then moved to attacks on houses and cars. They killed ordinary people, justifying their actions by “struggle against the Soviet power”. Latest crime Osmanov was forced to start the entire North Caucasus. 10 Oct 1979, armed bandits broke into the restaurant “Sofia” is located near the mountain village of Elkhotovo. The criminals opened fire on the people gathered in the Banquet hall here to celebrate the birthday boss raypischetorg SIM Dzilikhov. 8 people were killed, two more bandits were wounded. The next day the police tied Osmanov. He and his accomplices were sentenced to death.
the Seizure of schoolchildren in Ordzhonikidze
Another high-profile incident in North Ossetia was 1 December 1988. Five employees of the bus crews led by Paul Asiancam taken hostage by fourth-graders Ordzhonikidze school No42. They hijacked a bus, and riding up to the crowd of students who were in the city on the tour, invited them to sit inside. The class teacher men said that the bus allegedly sent by patrons of the school. Threatening to kill children, criminals have demanded to give them the plane for the flight to Israel. After hours of negotiations, the terrorists managed to summon the authorities have weapons, body armor and $ 2 million. Fortunately, having at its disposal the aircraft, the hijackers released the students. Israel subsequently issued all five terrorists to the Soviet Union. They received jail terms from 15 years to 3 years.
the Explosion of the bus Tbilisi – Agdam
the End of 1980-ies was marked by fierce confrontation between Armenians and Azerbaijanis over Karabakh. 10 August 1990 the members of the Armenian underground organization “embedding” Armen Avanesyan Mikhail Tadevosov mined the bus LiAZ-677, EN route from Tbilisi to Agdam. In the area of the Azerbaijani city of Ganja pipe bomb exploded, killing 15 to 20 people were injured. Judged criminals in Azerbaijan after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Avanesyan was executed, and his accomplice Tatevosov, sentenced to 15 years in prison, after some time was exchanged for the Azerbaijan hostages.
the murder of the professors Kan-Kalik and Believe
In the last year of the Soviet Union, Chechnya was already in a bustle. Summer was proclaimed the independence of Ichkeria, which even in the Republic has agreed not all. In a situation of internal conflict between supporters and opponents of Dudayev the worst officials in Grozny – they were required to make a fateful choice. Apparently, the victim of political instability began and Viktor Kan-Kalik, the rector of the Chechen-Ingush state University. 11 November 1991, the head of the University out of the University building together with the Vice-rector Abdul Hamid Believes. In this moment on the two professors were attacked by a group of unknown men. Believe killed machine gun, and Kan-Kalik, sat in the car “Volga” and drove away. His body with signs of torture found only in March 1992. Both murders were never solved.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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