In the forest fire area in southern Brandenburg, the fight against the flames continues with increased forces. Helicopters, firefighting tanks and water cannons are in use, as the Elbe-Elster district announced on Friday. In the morning, the fire brigades fought against embers. The fire had partially flared up again on Wednesday evening.
Around 250 emergency services are currently fighting the forest fire. The 400 workers announced for Friday were notified too late and were therefore not operational at short notice, said a spokesman for the Elbe-Elster district on Friday morning. You have to see if it needs to be readjusted here.
A specialist company has meanwhile begun to burn off vegetation along federal highway 183 in order to prevent dead wood from catching fire. According to the information, this should prevent the fire from spreading to other areas. The areas are therefore treated with biodegradable liquid fuels.
The firefighters are supported by a Bundeswehr armored personnel carrier: it paved paths for the firefighters through the rough terrain and cut aisles so that the flames could no longer spread so quickly. In addition, the Bundeswehr is present with a total of six helicopters for reconnaissance and firefighting operations.
Police water cannons and other Bundeswehr tank firefighting vehicles supported the forces on site. Since the morning, a fire fighting vehicle from Saxony has also been helping to fight the fire in an area polluted with ammunition.
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The forest fire broke out on Monday and very quickly spread to around 800 hectares. The firefighting is currently covering an area of 550 to 600 hectares, said the district spokesman.