A black panther in the night from Monday to Tuesday, were taken from the North of france and it was outstanding.Last week, escaped from the cat, yet that is when the pet was held from the home of his owner, at Armentieres. The leopard was found, tranquilized, and the zoo of Maubeuge, where they are so it’s disposed of. It reports news agency AFP.

the Employees of the city, saw it sat night and that is the loft, where devrouwelijke a black panther, a six-month oudverbleef, wasopengebroken, and the animal was taken into account. The intruders were ‘lots of effort’ in order to pick locks, and security cameras to work. “And the beast was one of the targets,” says the mayor, Arnaud Decagny, of Maubeuge, a small town near the border with Henegouwen.De the police will, on the basis of the camerabeeldenonderzoek for the first time.

Last week it was the animals the house of the owner to escape from a window had opened up. Local residents saw the animal, and then on the roof and a walk, with great panic, and wonder, and as a result. The police had to work together with the fire brigade and then to the area to drop off the beast to stun it and capture. Since that time, the panther in the Zoo, the en suite rooms will be held.

the owner of The animal is used by the police and searched because it is illegal to keep a dangerous animal in a residential dwelling.