23.07.2022, Berlin: Die Regenbogenfahne weht anlässlich des Berliner Christopher Street Day (CSD) erstmals auf dem Reichstagsgebäude. Das diesjährige Motto des Umzugs für die Rechte von Lesben, Schwulen, Bisexuellen, Transgender, Intersexuellen und queeren Menschen lautet «United in Love! Gegen Hass, Krieg und Diskriminierung.» Foto: Christoph Soeder/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

It is the queer festival par excellence, but at the same time a political demonstration: With the Christopher Street Day, the Pride month finds its climax on Saturday in Berlin. Up to 500,000 participants are expected for the large demonstration, which is also a party. On Friday, the Dyke*March for lesbian visibility passed through the city. More below in the news blog.

Dyke* March organizer shows solidarity with trans peopleAnd here is our video for the Dyke* March, in which Manuela Kay says, “For me, community doesn’t stop with the word lesbian”. The co-organizer of the demo also shows solidarity with trans people. Good night! In a few hours we will continue here on the live blog with detailed reporting on the CSD.