Loic VTM-home cook Loïc Van Impe prepares each and every day, without a lot of effort and passion on your plate and on your computer. Today is the caponata.

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a 10 ” black olives
1 eggplant
1 shallot
2 garlic cloves < / li> 20 cherry tomatoes < / p> < 1el salt
red wine vinegar
2 chilli peppers
400g baby squid,
1 lemon
1 ciabatta loaf of bread < / li> basil leaves

Recipe: < / b>

1. Are pitted olives.
2. Let 1el salt soak in the water for desalination.
3. Cut an eggplant into cubes, and colour it in olive oil.
4. Chop a shallot and a clove of garlic very fine and add to cart.
5. Cut the tomatoes fine.
6. Add the capers and olives add.
7. Add the cherry tomatoes to.
8. Spice with black pepper.
9. Add the red wine vinegar and leave it for 10 minutes, simmer on a low heat.
10. Candleholder with the chillies, black.
11. Let them cool in a bowl with a lid.
12. Cook the baby squid in olive oil.
13. Chop parsley finely and add to cart.
14. Add the zest of a lemon.
15. Spice with black pepper.
16. Take the skin off the pepper and take the nuts out of it. Cut out is fine.
17. Sugar in a ciabatta bread with olive oil and grill.
18. Sugar in the raw garlic on the grilled bread.
19. Finish with the basil leaves.