Ein Arzt impft einen Pfleger im vierten Impfzentrum in Berlin, das im Terminal C des ehemaligen Flughafens Tegel gelegen ist. Hier werden zu Beginn vor allem Pflegekräfte und medizinisches Personal gegen das Coronavirus geimpft. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Berlin has investigated 150 complaints against doctors in vaccination centers and mobile vaccination teams since the start of the corona vaccinations. The reasons range from unfriendly behavior to improper vaccination, as a spokeswoman for the association said on Sunday.

The “Spiegel” had previously reported on the misconduct of individual doctors. They would have insulted colleagues or patients or preferred their own relatives to be vaccinated.

The KV did not go into detail about this. She emphasized that in view of the 4,800 vaccinators, the complaints rate was low at three percent. The allegations must also be seen against the background of the challenges of the situation at the time.

The KV had cleared up the allegations with the operators of the vaccination centers, it said. In confirmed cases, the doctors have been warned or temporarily excluded from services.

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According to the KV, 60,593 vaccination services were completed. 4626 were canceled – for example because there was not enough vaccine. According to “Spiegel”, the doctors received a compensation of 300 euros.

If the service was only canceled 48 hours in advance, it was 500 euros. After that, the full fee was due.