The board of directors of the Liege inter-municipal Check did well with the sale of the company FOR the IT group to Win the groenestroomproducent Elicio, through its subsidiary, Nethys may be suspended.

this is the result of the commotion which arose when it was discovered that Nethys in the geniep verkoopakkoorden had entered into with the investor’s Providence, and of Nethys as a director, François Fornieri, the former head of Mithra. Report for The period of Time, and of various French-speaking media online.

See also the Walloon politics will sale of wired

Check to the board of directors will decide, after legal and financial vetting of the business. “The sale will have to be decided on the basis of these elements. The sale of mild makes it possible for the business in a proper manner, and place of the non-executive directors, and for certain offences,” says a director of a Check.


all The reports are expected by 10 October. That is, two weeks before, an important condition of the deal with Providence. Check should be Brutélé, 24 October, to take over. If that doesn’t happen, then it may be Providence, for the deal to call it off, or just the Liege cable and take it for a lower price.

Brutélé, the local authority, which is the kabelbelangen of the thirty or so municipalities in the Brussels and Hainaut, and management. It’s in the cable company’s FOR the smaller partner of Nethys.