ARCHIV - 04.07.2022, Berlin: Kevin Kühnert, SPD-Generalsekretär, gibt eine Pressekonferenz nach den Gremiensitzungen seiner Partei. Kühnert hat das Wirtschaftsministerium aufgefordert, rechtlich auszuschließen, dass wirtschaftlich gesunde Unternehmen von der staatlichen Gasumlage profitieren. (zu dpa «Kühnert: Gasumlage nicht an kerngesunde Unternehmen auszahlen») Foto: Kay Nietfeld/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert has promised that the traffic light government will soon present the planned third relief package. The impatience of the population is “totally understandable”, but “in a few days” the new relief package will be on the table, said Kühnert of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

It was always clear that the nine-euro ticket and tank discount would expire at the end of August. “It is therefore all the more important that the third relief package should ideally be announced before the hammer falls next Thursday.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) said on Thursday at a citizens’ dialogue in Magdeburg that the federal government would quickly make a joint proposal for a third package that should absorb the currently high prices. According to him, pensioners should also benefit from this. “That’s for sure for me anyway,” assured Scholz.

Federal Minister of Finance and FDP leader Christian Lindner assured on Thursday evening in the ZDF program “Maybrit Illner”: “We will have clarity about the relief package for the winter before October.” with a low income “down to the working middle class” – “so that nobody is afraid of an empty refrigerator and a cold apartment”.

In the newspaper interview, Kühnert emphasized that “considerable and targeted relief is necessary, and it will come.” Last but not least, the commuters deserve quick answers as to how things will continue from September, according to the SPD general secretary.

“When the tank discount falls, fuel prices of two euros and more can be expected again. For many people who are absolutely dependent on their car, this is simply too much. That’s why there will be extensive support,” added Kühnert. The negotiation will show whether that will be a higher distance allowance or direct payments to commuters with small and medium-sized incomes.