21.08.2022, Kanada, Montreal: Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz und Vizekanzler, spricht auf dem Flug von Berlin nach Montreal im Airbus A340 der Luftwaffe mit den mitreisenden Journalisten. Im Mittelpunkt der Reise steht die Zusammenarbeit im Klima- und Energiebereich. Foto: Kay Nietfeld/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

If two (with many others) go on a journey, then they can experience something. In this case, on the chancellor’s flight to Canada with his first deputy and a company delegation. According to the pictures sent, many of the passengers were not wearing a mask.

There is now a great deal of excitement about the pictures showing Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck in conversation with maskless journalists. Although all passengers were PCR tested before the trip started. And although the Air Force’s readiness to fly expressly does not require the wearing of masks. In demonstrative contrast to the Air Force, Lufthansa – just for example – pointed out that it was compulsory to wear a mask.

Which leads to the debate: those up there are allowed, everyone else isn’t? That works – bottomless. Not only Twitter is already foaming.

The different mask regulations in the air ultimately only reflect what is also common in this country on earth. So the excitement is fake. The FDP suits it, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach of course not. Will he get his bill for the fall through without any changes? Not that the Chancellor-Vice-Chancellor flight means the end of the mask requirement. But then we would all experience something.