
Frankfurt book fair: A thousand-page Porno

The Problem with literature begins in front of the wardrobe: What should I wear? I don't know anybody here, don't want to be noticed...

Bundestag: Who works part-time, may in the future increase

workers will have the right to work for a temporary period of part-time and then go back into full-time. The German Bundestag...

Killer questions at a job interview: don’t Ask!

Although it is said in the rhetoric, so nice: he Who asks, leads. This is true. But, unfortunately, it is...

Stock price crashes: Truck manufacturer Volvo admits serious exhaust problems

The Swedish Truck makers, Volvo has given to exhaust gas problems when a part of his vehicles. A component to control the...

A game of football s'ends on the score of… 24 to 0 !

The meeting has not made headlines in the national media, and yet it has the allure of a record. This weekend, during...

Microsoft distributed the October Update for Windows 10

Microsoft has released its October Update for Windows 10. Users can download it since Tuesday. Automatically Download and install the new Version,...

Presidential brazil : why Ronaldinho and Lucas vote Bolsonaro

They were tens of thousands, Sunday evening, to be taken to the streets of Rio de Janairo, Brasilia, São Paulo and Recife...

The Odds for Bundesliga’s Top Four Battle to Go Down to The Wire

While Bayern Munich are on the cusp of yet another Bundesliga title victory, the battle between Germany’s other top teams to see who joins...

Sports Analytics Departments Are Becoming the Norm

Eighteen years have passed since the Oakland Athletics’ groundbreaking 2002 MLB season. If you are not aware of the significance, that season was made...

Scary NFL Injuries

Football is a game that many love. As a result, the NFL is watched by many and many wish to be NFL stars one...


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