WORLDS From heaven to hell. The Dutchman, He Eekhoff thought for more than a quarter of an hour, that he is the of his title to the promises was caught. But then it took the competition jury to him on his cloud. Eekhoff was to be disqualified for this after the crash. “Some of the actions are just common practice in cycle races,” said Eekhoff, as a first response.

“At the moment, I don’t know how I feel. Evil”, says Eekhoff. “It’s been tough. I don’t know what I can do about it. My management has been of the options, for me to feel the decision is unfair. And for them, too. We’ll see what happens, I can hear it later.”

“I fell, and my left shoulder went out of the cup”, the young Dutchman, the story of the game. “I have to put my shoulder back in it’s place, but I also had a materiaalpech. Thus, it took the break a little longer. When I got back to my bike, sat down, took the car to get me back to the trail volgwagens and that’s why I’m on their own, the peloton rode. I was still 125 miles ahead of us, so the price had to be used. I think, therefore, that I have fought for you.”

“How long will I and the team have driven? I don’t know, it happened to be full during the race. I also think that at the end of a fall, it should be possible for that to take you back to the volgwagens. At that time, I had no idea that I’m getting back to it, it was. Some of the actions are just common in the cycling events after crashing. “