The savings Bank will provide new loans on payday companies affected branches

Sberbank will begin work on a new lending program for salaries of enterprises of all segments without the limitations of those industries which suffered from the pandemic coronavirus. Loans will be provided at 2% per annum.

the loan Amount under the program is determined by the number of employees of the borrower multiplied by the value of the minimum wage and the number of full months to 1 December 2020 from the moment of the loan. If necessary, the program provides the possibility of extension subject to certain conditions aimed at maintaining the number and confirm the company’s efficiency. The maximum loan term up to March 2021.

Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of Sberbank: “the State and banks continue to work on new measures and special programs of support of Russian business in the current environment. New state program differs from the previous target “salary” that the program has no limitations on the number of employees. Operating enterprises in the country is the well — being of millions of people working in them, and their families. According to our estimates, the credit for the program can contact enterprises total number of employees of which about 7 million. According to General forecasts, the programme for business support loans issued by 300 billion rubles, the Central Bank of Russia, according to our estimates, will have at least 1/3 volume. The first pilot transaction, the savings Bank has planned for the coming weeks, a mass launch will take place June 1″.

the General license of Bank of Russia for banking operations № 1481.