Novosibirsk was surprised running fountain in Central Park — to understand why it happened

In the Central Park of Novosibirsk this afternoon the fountain. Around immediately gathered townspeople, who are pretty tired from the lack of such usual summer fun in hot weather. Especially the children were delighted, who immediately rushed to play with water.

And though restrictions during a pandemic, it began gradually to weaken, fountains should work. Why is the fountain in Central Park, suggested the Director of mku “City fountain” Valery Naumenko.

— This fountain is not mine. Now it belongs to the MUP “Central Park”. I can only say that, most likely, as the fountain is still not officially launched, this is a trial start. As far as I know, they have never been included. In order to avoid large concentrations of people include the fountains is prohibited. I have my fountains included literally 10-15 minutes just to check — I think it’s the same there, in Central Park, he said.