In the Novosibirsk region have less babies die

In the Novosibirsk region the mortality rate among infants has declined by 25% over 4 years, announced in the government of the Novosibirsk region in the group in social network “Vkontakte”.

Also according to the government, only in 2019 in the region born 1989 preterm infants, 139 of them weighing less than 1 kg (extremely low body weight) and 203 weighing less than 1.5 kg (low body weight).

Today, checking the government passed the neonatology service DGKB № 4 named after V. S. Geraskova.

the Hospital DGKB № 4 named after V. S. Geraskova is one of the main health facilities for the care of premature babies. Capacity number of beds in “neonatology” is 80 beds of pathology of newborns and premature children, and 18 beds intensive care for newborns. Over the past three years in the Department of pathology in premature infants treated over 600 children with a weight less than 2 kg, — have told in the government.