History 16/01/20 Why divers drown US 6 Soviet ships during the Second world
the Defeat of Japan for the leadership and the military command of the United States was a more important goal than the defeat of Germany. The third Reich did not threaten the possessions and Navy of the United States, Japan reach aviation Hawaiian Islands, landed troops on the Aleutian Islands. The United States tried to bring to achieving their goals all their allies, even to the detriment of the defense of the latter.
One important task for US was the involvement of the USSR into war with Japan, which the Soviet Union acted the neutrality Pact. To fight with Japan for the Soviet Union at this time was to weaken its efforts at the reflection of German aggression.
the Diplomatic push
the Japanese air RAID on pearl Harbor almost coincided with the change of the Soviet Ambassador in Washington. 8 Dec 1941 the new Soviet Ambassador Maxim Litvinov (1930-1939 gg. in the former people’s Commissar of foreign Affairs of the USSR) presented U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt his credentials. At the meeting Roosevelt asked whether Moscow, in the changed circumstances, a Declaration of war Japan to the Soviet Union.
a few days Later Roosevelt several times touched on this topic, trying to nudge the Soviet Union to specific actions in support of the United States. So, he invited the Soviet Union to declare publicly about the continued observance of the neutrality Pact with Japan. Roosevelt referred to the fact that Germany, as a sign of allied relations with Japan, also declared war on the United States. Thus, ostensibly, allies in anti-Hitler coalition was wrong to do in relation to the other is less certain than their enemies. Litvinov, who had clear instructions to Molotov to reject such claims of the American side refused.
However, very soon, on 20 December 1941 during a visit to the USSR Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Anthony Eden, Stalin said that in the future, after the elimination of eellocomotives from Germany, the Soviet Union will provide aid to its allies in the far East. The decision on the timing and nature of this assistance Moscow was left behind.
Requirements bases on Soviet territory.
18 Jan 1942 US Ambassador to the USSR Thurston visited in Kuibyshev (where then was the evacuation of the Soviet government and diplomatic corps), Deputy Commissar for foreign Affairs, Solomon Lozovsky. He raised the issue of providing military-air forces of the USA bases on the territory of the Soviet Far East – Kamchatka and Primorye. The next day about the contents of this conversation, declared American radio.
the Soviet Union was put before a fait accompli. The Soviet Ambassador in Tokyo Konstantin Smetanin was summoned to the Japanese foreign Ministry for an explanation. That had nothing to do but to declare that he knew nothing about granting Soviet territory for American bases. The Soviet Union really did not intend at that moment to break in this way the Treaty of neutrality.
during the famous “Doolittle RAID” — the RAID of American bombers on Japan 18 April 1942, the crew of one aircraft made an emergency landing in Primorsky Krai. The crew were interned (in 1943 he staged a “prison break”), but the fact of such landing caused the Japanese side, new protests and allegations of violation of neutrality.
Japan was not satisfied with the response to the Soviet Union about the “detention” of the aircraft and crew. The Japanese Ambassador in Moscow, Sato, said that the Soviet side can talk about the “detention” of any number of American planes that may indicate their placement on the bases in the USSR. Soviet-Japanese relations at the time strained to the limit. Japan was at the peak of their success in the Pacific. It is quite possible that if one of the next battles (in the coral sea or at midway) the Japanese fleet had won a victory over American, then the next step Japan would be a Declaration of war against the USSR.
In may 1942, the Japanese troops captured several of the Aleutian Islands. President Roosevelt used it for another push on the USSR to allow military bases. On 1 June he wrote a personal letter to Stalin, which pointed to the apparent willingness of Japan to attack the USSR. United States, according to Roosevelt, was prepared to assist the USSR assistance in repelling Japanese aggression subject to the timely deployment of U.S. air and naval forces on Soviet territory. Again Stalin had not directly rejecting the offer of help, to maneuver in the delivery database.
Stalin did not want to get involved in a war with Japan, and finish with Germany. In that situation, the victory over Japan, with the participation of American troops in the Soviet far East would be unable to give the Soviet Union the benefits to which Stalin hoped (and who eventually received in 1945). The main thing that Vladivostok was a major port through which to make deliveries from the USA to the USSR under lend-lease (47% of all such deliveries in 1941-1945). War with Japan meant their drastic decline, and hence weakening the Soviet armed forces.
the Sinking of Soviet ships by American submarines
American goods under lend-lease came through Vladivostok, past the Kuril Islands belonged to Japan. To prevent hostile action by Japan, they were brought on ships under the Soviet flag, but almost all of these vessels were supplied during the war by the American side.
Although in official documents after the war, it was argued that Japan illegally sank a total of 18 Soviet ships, the subsequent researches of the historians have confirmed this figure. Diplomat Kirill Cherevko and GRU officer Aleksey Kirichenko in the book “the Russo-Japanese war: declassified archives” on the basis of careful examination of the documents came to the conclusion that during the war, submarines in the Pacific sank 6 ships, marching under the Soviet flag. And it was always American submarines. “During the war in the Pacific the command of the mob- period boats of the Japanese fleet… don’t let any Soviet ship”.
Each of these cases of drowning documented, are aware of specific American submarine who committed these acts, and their captains. The first incident occurred on February 17, 1943 to the South of Japan. The American submarine “Safes” under the command of Lieutenant commander Sands two torpedoes sank the cargo ships “Cola” and “Ilmen”. Latest – June 13, 1945, off the coast of Sakhalin, when a submarine of “Spadefish” commander Germershausen put to the bottom of a cargo ship “Transbalt”.
it is Unlikely that in 1943-1945 the United States sought deliberately to provoke the USSR these actions on the war with Japan – an acute need for the United States passed. Rather, as the historian of the fleet Konstantin Strelbitsky, “American submarine operated in the Pacific under the motto “drown them all!”, not caring about the ships of its allies, nor the salvation of their teams.”
Yaroslav Butakov
© Russian Seven
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