What heroism of Soviet traitor Gil-Rodionov

History 30/01/20 What heroism of Soviet traitor Gil-Rodionov

Soviet Colonel Vladimir Gil is one of the most interesting and controversial personalities in the history of the great Patriotic war. In the midst of the summer battles of 1941, the officer is captured, agrees to cooperate with the Nazis and leads the Russian SS brigade, which is fighting against the guerrillas. After some time moves to the side of the Soviet Union, heroically fighting against the Germans and received the order of the red Star.

the commander of the SS squads

According to preserved in the archives of the prisoner of war card, chief of staff of the 229th rifle division Lieutenant Colonel Gil was captured on 16 July 1941 and was sent to a camp for Soviet officers in the city of suwałki. From December 1941 he was appointed commandant of the camp, and in January 1942, at the suggestion of the Nazis, headed the collaborationist organization “Fighting Union of Russian nationalists”. Gil took the pseudonym Rodionov, and his work was supervised reconnaissance and sabotage organization “Zeppelin”.

In may 1942 with the help of curators, he organized hundreds of former Soviet officers squad of the SS, planned to be used against the guerrillas. By the summer Rodionov commanded a battalion of 500 soldiers. To strengthen the combat capability of the unit attached to the German officers and the Russian nationalists of immigrants. In the fall of 1942 collaborators with the Germans Stripping the forest from the Minsk Soviet partisans.

In March 1943 the brigade with a strength of 1 200 soldiers were transferred to the village Deep, where control Rodionova hit the whole area. In may 1943, the regiment was replenished by prisoners of the red army, partisans and local youth, and then turned into the 1st Russian national brigade headquarters in the village of Luzhki. According to historians Zhukov and Kovtun, the number of men reached 5000.

to the side of the partisans

in the Summer of 1943 Rodionova participated in Bos against the guerrillas. In between battles there was the episode that determined the fate of the brigade. Commissioner Ivan Semchuk said: “on 8 August in the village of AZERTY the Germans found a mine set by the guerrillas. Drove a police regiment. The commander gave the order: shoot all the residents of the village to burn. The Germans were soldiers of Gil-Rodionov. One of them hit a German officer in the face. Two groups were wall to wall: the Russians against the Germans. The Germans chickened out… Gil in the form of an ultimatum demanded that the Germans left the area.”

the next day, Rodionov entered into correspondence with the commander of the partisan brigade Zheleznyak major Ivan Titovym. On August 16, they met in person. Military historian Anatoly Sharkov believes that Gil had long sought the way to go on the side of the red army and for this reason, in may 1943, refused the proposal of General Vlasov to join his army. Titkov said that the team can go to the Soviet side, however, Gil has demanded guarantees the preservation of the lives of his soldiers and the return of military rank. After the coordination with Moscow Titkov agreed.

the 1st anti-fascist partisan brigade

August 16, Rodionov lined up his brigade and said: “I Order from this number the crew to call the 1st anti-fascist partisan brigade. Impute to each soldier mercilessly wipe out the Krauts to their recent expulsion from the Russian land.” All German officers were killed, and 40 irreconcilable anti-Soviet, among whom was a former major General of the red army Bogdanov and a group of emigres, handed over to the NKVD. Just on the side of the guerrillas moved 106 officers, 151 people commissioned officers, 1 rank and file 175.

17 August, the brigade received the first order. The soldiers had to attack fortified German garrison in Ljubljana and railway station Krulevshizna. The memories of the participants, the battle was strong, and during a counterattack, the guerrillas were almost surrounded. However, Gil-Rodionov took Krulevshizna, killing 600 enemy soldiers, grab10 trucks with ammunition and 20 guns.

on the same day in Moscow, reported about the transition of the SS squads in the Soviet Union. 17 September 1943 Rodionov was given the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and for bravery and organization of the return of Soviet prisoners of war in the ranks of the red army was awarded the order of the red Star. This step Rate has made a powerful propaganda move. Collaborators have shown that the return to the USSR possible.

“Spring festival”

the 1st anti-fascist brigade fought bravely, dealing the Germans a lot of damage. In the Borisov-Begoml and Polotsk-Lepel partisan zone, Rodionova fought in the most difficult areas, and their actions were distinguished by audacity. In the spring of 1944 the Wehrmacht launched the largest in the history of war counterinsurgency operation called “Spring festival”.

By may 16 partisan brigades, among them Rodionovna, was surrounded by a 60 000 Germans. On may 5 the village of PLANO Colonel Rodionov led the team to a breakthrough. According to various estimates, survived from a few dozen to 250 partisans. During the battle the commander was wounded in the head and chest. In an unconsciousness it brought to Batman. May 14, Gil-Rodionov died from his wounds and was buried at the partisan cemetery.

an Eyewitness, a commander of partisan units, hero of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lobanok, about the death of Rodionov said, “it’s probably better that such an end; and there was no grief, if he were in Moscow.” Chairman of the Vitebsk military-Patriotic club “Search” Anatoly Burdo, communicating with the Soviet partisans learned that those spoke respectfully about Rodionova, believing him to be a good commander, who spared soldiers.

Alexander Brazhnik

© Russian Seven

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