The alleged abuser from Wermelskirchen is said to have violated a child in the Berlin zoo. The act was “the subject of the proceedings,” said a spokesman for the Cologne public prosecutor’s office on Wednesday. The investigators came across the main suspect in the Wermelskirchen complex via a chat partner from Berlin.
According to information from “Spiegel”, this man is said to have brought a seven-year-old disabled boy to the Wermelskirchener to a meeting in the zoo and left him to the 44-year-old for abuse.
The 28-year-old Berliner was sentenced to twelve years in prison and subsequent preventive detention at the beginning of May because he abused 26 small boys as a child companion and babysitter.
The 44-year-old from Wermelskirchen has so far been accused of abusing twelve children. However, the investigators do not rule out that the number in his case will increase, because so far only ten percent of the secured data could be evaluated.
Investigators had reported on Monday about the most brutal abuse of children, the youngest victim was one month old. The main suspect is the 44-year-old from Wermelskirchen, who is said to have offered his services as a babysitter on the Internet and thus approached his victims.
He also exchanged child pornographic images and videos of “unimaginable brutality” with dozens of other men. So far, 73 suspects and 33 victims have been identified. These are the most brutal rapes.
The live backup of the data from 232 data carriers took 17 days. Investigators discovered 3.5 million image files and 1.5 million videos on a hard drive.
A trace of the “essentially confessed” main suspect in the Wermelskirchen case had already appeared during the investigation into the Münster abuse complex. The main perpetrator in the Münster case is said to have communicated with him via video chat.
A request for legal assistance to Switzerland was unsuccessful: the IP addresses that could have transferred the Wermelskirchener were not transmitted. According to the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” they had already been deleted.