A van broke through the central barrier on Autobahn 114 in Berlin-Pankow and collided with a car on the opposite lane. The driver involved in the accident committed a hit-and-run. A man and a woman in the rammed car suffered minor injuries, police said.
The van driver was therefore on Friday evening coming from the federal highway 109 on the A114. For unknown reasons, he crashed through the provisional central barrier before the exit at Am Moisten Winkel/Pasewalker Straße and got into oncoming traffic.
There he collided with the car of a 44-year-old, who was slightly injured and could be treated on site by rescue workers. His 35-year-old pregnant passenger was also slightly injured. She came to a hospital. The rammed car could not go any further.
Another motorist narrowly escaped a collision. The 38-year-old suffered a shock. The accident driver committed a hit-and-run and broke through the guardrail again to leave the motorway at the exit.
He fled to an allotment garden near the Panke basin. The alerted police secured the abandoned car there on a bollard that had been knocked over. The driver was gone.
The A114 remained closed on Saturday from the Pasewalker Strasse exit on the way to the city center and from the Prenzlauer Promenade/Rothenbachstrasse on the way out of the city into the early evening.