” The surprise came. “Via a short video on his page Facebook, Maxime Nicolle announces a new step in the organization of the movement, of which he is a spokesperson : a free app” designed BY volunteers in yellow Vests and yellow Vests “. Priscilla Ludosky, another great voice of the yellow Vests, has also shared the announcement via the page The France angry. The application GJ-France is currently available on Android, but should soon be on IOS.

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With this tool, the yellow Vests are hoping to have found “the perfect companion during all gatherings” and, especially, to be able to propose their own numbers. It is first to propose “another source” for the media, a credible alternative to the figures of the ministry of the Interior, the only barometer of the engagement of the yellow Vests each week. “In daily use this app you will be able to tell when you are mobilized from other yellow Vests “, says it on the overview page of the application.

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More generally, the application has the ambition to estimate the number of supporters of the movement, beyond those who actively participate, through a simple button. From the menu I support the GJ, you can indicate that you support the movement in order to know in real time the number of French citizens who support the movement, “explain the creators of the application, stating :” At any time, you are able to stop your support if you wish. “

Carpool, accommodation and grievances

If the application boils down for the moment, counting system, it is designed to organize the mobilization of the yellow Vests. In a second time, it was announced that the application will in particular facilitate carpooling between yellow Vests. Users are also able to offer to host someone or ask to be and keep others informed in case of “emergency” event.

The application was officially launched on 18 January, while Emmanuel Macron was facing to the mayors for the second time of the week in the context of the great national debate already criticized by the yellow Vests. This app GJ-France could be in the future a space for discussion of alternative in this great debate. The creators have announced the upcoming implementation of a “cahier de dolĂ©ances” overall with a voting system (one vote per user). In less than 24 hours, the application has been downloaded more than 10,000 times.

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